The Blonde Best Friends and some Bubble Gum

This week I got the privilege to spend time with my sister and her best friends talking about friendship.


They said friendship is: love, respect, trust, honesty, family, amazing, cherished, its special and its God’s gift to us. They also said that the best kind of best friend is the one who you know is there for you 24/7. That its someone you can talk with about anything, someone who is trustworthy, loyal and caring but most importantly the best kind of best friend is the one that grows in their walk with God alongside you.


These girls love to watch youtube and make videos together, take silly pictures, and of course laugh A LOT. They like to be outside and they like finding things on Pinterest to do together.


Their favorite memories mostly involve a party of some sort. Being friends since early elementary school, you can imagine its been quite a few. 5 birthday parties each year, end of school party, christmas party, new years parties, and of course the random ones in between.

The things these girls most look forward to in the next year is continuing to be together, to develop their friendships so that they grow and see who they all become. They are excited about church events together and preparing to go into Highschool.

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The hardest thing for them being friends with the same girls is that it can be a challenge to stay connected, especially being at two different schools. They’ve been close for so long that sometimes it can be hard to make and keep new friends because they aren’t already apart of the group. They told me its okay to have ups and downs because it makes them stronger as a group giving them the ability to live through the hard times together. Since they are so close, its easy to mess with each other but then it can hurt someones feelings. Since they all know so much about each other, they can’t really stretch the truth which holds them accountable to be real about things going on. I never had the same group of friends growing up so I wasn’t able to learn about honesty and integrity the ways these girls are. It definitely can be hard, but such a sweet thing for maturing.

On the flip side the best things about having the same group of friends: They know each other like sisters and have built trustĀ overtime because they’ve been through so much together. “We build each other up as people and children of God.” They have someone to talk to if they need it, they are all different girls so they each can help in different ways for different situations. They have sooo many memories and they say “remember that?” And all burst out laughing. The cool thing to watch is how they get to know each other more and more every time they see each other and always having a fun time together.


This is what they said about each other:

Leah is.. most known for her kind heart and making silly faces when we take pictures. She is known for her computer and photography skills and YouTube videos.

Mariah is…silly, weird and outgoing. She is known for being kind to everyone and sticking up for others; for her bravery and not caring what others think of her; being able to say whatever’s on her mind.

Tori is… crazy funny if you really know her and she’s really the only one who has some common sense and helps us stick together. She is kind and most known for her contagious laugh. She loves dogs, soccer and is the active one most likely to say “let’s do something”.

Hannah is… beautiful, kind, smart, caring, loyal and sweet. She Loves everyone around her and always puts a smiley face after everything. She loves soccer and is known for being cold all the time.

Jojo is… known for loving others despite also being known for being silly and saying the randomest things. She loves swimming and doing crafts and to no surprise, the one to tell me they love finding things on Pinterest to replicate. Apparently also the best at blowing bubbles with her bubble gum.



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