Kylie & the Cache

This week I went to St. Louis and I got to see my cousin Kylie whom I haven’t seen in forever and ever and ever. It was really fun to catch up. She first took me to Ted Drew’s which is a famous Frozen Custard place. When celebrities come to St. Louis they go visit. I saw hats in the window signed by Conan O’Brien, The Jonas Brothers, and Katie Couric. They are known for their concrete mixers that won’t fall out of your cup.




We then went to Forrest Park, and ate at the boathouse for lunch. As we wandered around the park we decided to go Geo-Cacheing. You can look it up online or at their app on your mobile device. Basically its a real life, world-wide treasure hunt.

Some are big and some are small but you can find them all over, use the GPS, description and hints to find them. Here are some pictures from today:



During the hunt for these little treasures, Kylie lit up like those kids who get surprised with a trip to Disney land. She was saying over and over “this is so fun! I could do it all day.” she even admitted she would be totally content finding them herself.





As we chatted on her bed earlier this week, she told me that she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. But hey, who does at age 16? We all have dreams and plans but sometimes the Future is so unknown.
She told me about the mission trip she went on recently and felt her heart tugged toward a lifetime of giving and compassion. The hardest thing for her was hearing her youth-group mates complain about the other denomenations differences, “It is all about Jesus, thats what matters” she told me. What a proud cousin I am to have a mature 16 yr old honestly say that it doesn’t matter how we worship if we are all worshiping the one who is king.

I am excited to see this girl go on bigger adventures than just geo-cache hunts and explore the world God made, get to know His kingdom and show compassion to His creation. I’m thankful to have been reminded again this week that everyone, even in groups can and do think differently, act differently, care differently but we all have something to say, we’ve all learned things that we can share and are always in a place needing to mature.

I pray that the Lord would give me a chance to continue to grow when I move in a way that when I come home I can say: God was at work within me. I hope and pray that the Lord would use my next season of life to shape others but more than anything I pray He would conform me to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

1 Comment

  1. Samm,
    Lol im not sure if i am doing this right but… Here goes nothing. Thank you so much for this blog because it warmed my heart! You seriously have made a big impact in my heart & i am sure you have truly touched the hearts of many others. I had an amazing time with you the past day & 1/2. I am sad that i am leaving tomorrow so i cant spend more time with you. But luckily i will be spending the next three days in deep prayer! I will keep you in all of my prayers throughout the weekend & i will make sure the other youth will do the same! God is leading you in the right path & i hope that i will soon be knowledgable in what i am being called to do. Thanks for all you do! I wish you the best of luck & i am so happy we got to catch up! I cant wait to hear about the middle east & all of your experiences! I also cant wait to grow fuller in faith with God with you in many years to come.

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