Megan On Mission

This is Megan. She just finished her Junior year of Highschool and already has big aspirations for life. Megan and I sat down over coffee near a very historical and wealthy part of St. Paul. We talked through what goes into the making of a Bucketlist. There is so many things behind each bullet point to experience, take part in or accomplish. When creating a list of “Must-Do’s” sub-conscious mental notes are filtering what can and will make the list.

Megan Lough



There are cool things that most people have on their lists: go skydiving, see the Grand Canyon, Ride an elephant in Africa, go on a roadtrip, get married, swim with dolphins, graduate from college, travel the world; but why do those make the list?

"I don't know enough about balance to tell you how to do it.  I think, though, its in the trying and the letting go.  That the scales measuring right and wrong- quiver and stand still."
“I don’t know enough about balance to tell you how to do it. I think, though, its in the trying and the letting go. That the scales measuring right and wrong- quiver and stand still.”

Megan and I made a list of things we want to do but made the desirous attachment to them. We asked, “Why is this on our list?” “What is the appeal?” and went from there.

The reasons these 8 common things make Bucketlists are because they are exhilarating, they are scary, they take risk, planning, time, money, they help you push boundaries and give you purpose. Everyone likes accomplishing something so creating a Bucketlist is a way to check things off, to fulfill dreams and experience life.


As Megan and I made a list of desires for our lives we first talked about why those things are on our list.

Some of Megan’s were:

1. Graduate college with a degree she’s excited for
2. Continue to grow in her faith all through school
3. Follow God’s plan
4. Go to school in a Big city

I asked her what were the fears or obstacles in completing, taking part in, or developing her list. She walked through potential roadblocks with me and from there I asked her to write down some small steps she could take toward accomplishing the things on her desire list that would, could or should overcome the fears and obstacles list.

Here are some of her fears:
1. Not having support behind decisions she makes
2. Being influenced by others opinions

keep a positive attitude
keep a positive attitude

Small steps:

1. Read the Bible and memorizes verses
a. cling to those truths
b. Find strength in those verses to be who God wants her to be.

2. Surround herself with people who will challenge her to be who God wants her to be
3. Get involved in a college ministry
4. Have accountability set up

Megan was able to consciously work through things to better prepare for the task at hand. For Megan, college is right around the corner. College the foreseeable future ahead of her and with it, she realizes, many things await to consume her time, energy, heart and mind. Megan reminded me of the unknown ahead and a child like faith in the One who carries us all. He knows what we need, He knows what we desire and give it to us when we walk with Him, trust Him and give Him all of us.

May this processing help Megan to remember who she is, where she is going and who is directing it all. Megan must act on purpose to meet her mission with success.



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