Bean’s breakfast

My sister Tori has been called “bean” since she was an infant. My daddy always called me the “bugger bean” and so I turned her into the regular bean. She is my loyal sidekick and biggest fan. We dress up together, we take pictures together and we frolic around the city exploring new things together.

Despite the many things we have in common, like photography and soccer and all things athletic, we also couldn’t not be more different. She is an introvert, a blonde, very self motivated rule-follwer and quiet, until you get to know her.

She doesn’t like jelly, she eats cereal dry and consumes an outrageous amount of ice cream. I love doughnuts, and even though she doesn’t, for breakfast the other day, on my dad’s 5 year anniversary of being with Jesus in the full, we went out with some doughnuts and our cameras.


here are some pictures from our time together:

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